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corruption typology

Corruption classification

Which are forms and dimensions of abuse of entrusted power for private profit?

  •  Bribery:   Bribery can undermine the quality and efficiency of public services, distort market competition, and erode public trust
  •   Embezzlement: This is the act of stealing or misappropriating funds or assets. Embezzlement can deprive the organization or the public of valuable resources, reduce investment and growth, and damage its reputation and credibility
  •   Clientelism: This is the exchange, an implicit or explicit quid-pro-quo. Clientelism can take various forms, such as vote buying, patronage, nepotism, and cronyism. Clientelism can distort the allocation of public resources, undermine democratic representation and accountability, and entrench political and economic inequalities
  •  Lobbying: Can skew public policies in favor of narrow interests, reduce transparency and accountability, and weaken public trust.

    A Minxin Pei 2 by 2 grid: whether the corruption is collusive or coercive, and whether it is horizontal or vertical. Collusive corruption involves mutual benefit between the parties involved, while coercive corruption involves extortion or abuse of power. Vertical is a of different status, horizontal of equal..
    (According to Pei, collusive-horizontal corruption is the most damaging type in China, as it involves networks of officials and businessmen who engage in systematic looting of state property, especially land, natural resources, and assets in state-run enterprises.
    B Ortrun Merkle 2 by 2 grid whether it is transactional or predatory, and whether it is individual  or collective.
    C Yuen Yuen Ang 2 by 2 grid whether it involves stealing or exchanging and whether it is individual  or coordinated.
    B and C leads to 4 types: petty theft (coercion bribes)  grand theft (rigged tenders) speed money (blind eye bribes) access money (favors or influence to businesses or interest groups, lobbying)
    ABC would create a 3 dimensional structure. a new dimension is status difference of corrupted actor and corruption source of profit.
    Is the source or a partner on the same level (like in a network of corrupted officials)

or different like a blind eye corruption of a state control body


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