solutions to low ballot participation (I  ve had noone to vote 4)

Pillars of knowing approximation

a) Trial n Error (TaE) based decisions on things one can change (ie local stuff yet range  raises with credit)


a)= one can influence

b)= natural skin in game (expected responsibility)

Comment or act on non local only where or when there is a solid chance to change any (particularly LR(long run )) thing.
TaE means automatic preference for learning maximization  via pluralistic microexperiments (positions ) as a normal healthy state.  Perfection is an illusion (so is progress when externalities or long run are included) : Various conditions are mostly fluid and fuzzy and not controllable in time

as trials use
1) complex simulations.
2) natural experiments ,
3) parallelization in experiments as well as in user paths=experiences /(not fair to some in some places (esp from hindsight) and
4) past experiences (čo bolo)
... consult ai.
TEST or experiment: what history repeats itself ?  (stemming from DNA ( emotions, instincts) as simply as possible) Can it teach anything in a new n modernly paced, ai driven world ? .. Not so likely, so traditional mind is lame... Intelligent is to react swiftly and in randomness=inspired new ways ie create a custom of societal trials and errors like in Lean startups. play with minimum viable (products, repression, taxes, welfare,

Aiming at long run = high biodiversity, low suffering, sameness type of fairness.  

b) Transparency 
in all. Nature provides, even when abused.

If voted in, then by transparent means  and account for personal integrity ie  known temptations

c) Kindness in form  (to audience)
using ai to polish communication not to hurt. ie serious visuals and language audience is familiar  with. 

Avoid labeling (except label is accepted by its objects) No use of  loaded words when any public is intended to access
if possible

Kindness in content = do not spread suffering to sensitive entities (use mathematics in conflicts ie. count em first (chordatea)

d) seek inspiration in low density population scenarios (cases) as an ideal
(ask Fins)

democracy rules complex worlds ...it as an ideal should be:
indirect: ie delegates n posts: rotational and  sortitional  (senate) AND
 direct :  permanent referendum via ai avatars (no sněmovna, just forum of avatars )

α) solving systemic no=skin=in=game ie politics irresponsibility 

via service=to=others=currency applied to posts n delegates. These people and ai posts will also cater for avatar forum forms  (forms are multiple, not just virtual pics n graphics, but also 3D printed decision visualizations= statues of  avatars votes on interesting issues)

?Not just pledges n promises but Invest in service to others (blockchain?) currency (not just status based merit) as opposed to personal gain (status, tenders, kickback etc corruption expectations related to posts). /merit or proof of service to others ?)
Someone has to take responsibility and not just demise but also loose da bet on own importance.  No bankers (just AIB one) were sentenced after 2009 most took raises and bailout corrupted all.
Β) raise low resonance°agreement threshold via simplification and zero /I dont know / opinions.
It is only logical ie ok when resonance°agreement with any offered ballot entity is in less than 62 percent of issues°opinions, one doesn't vote
(I  ve had noone to vote 4)
+A chance of voting against is preferred.
+offer simpler issues  ...ie fewer case issues yet strong in general rules
(for rules see  a b c)   Since ..anybody  fucks up when dealing with too many issues (subjectively one negative needs 4 positives to even) 


movimiento  La mayoría de las veces no sé